Non-Fiction Essay
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Director’s Cut of the commercial for the 20th anniversary of the Alta Murgia National Park. An audiovisual “stream of consciousness” to narrate a land made of generous gazes and centuries-old hardships.
The challenge I set for the talented composer Carmine Calia was to immerse us into the action without warning, without frills, without intro or outro. His synths hammer at the most remote corners of our human solidarity before leaving us at the mercy of the thunderous voice of his now-legendary organ.
The stunning aerial footage by Domenico Loguercio does not aim to linger on an epic tone, but rather to deceive us into believing that everything has remained unchanged for centuries, before that man at sunset unveils the portal to a vision grounded in the earth, from which all life springs.
Italy, 2024
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4K | 3 min 21 sec | Color