Music Video
Organic band

A boy runs away from his family, as Orpheus runs away from the desperation of love. Both looking for answers in Queen History.

The short film follows Amos, a young man fleeing his parents’ faded love, seeking a lost purity amid life’s hardships. Orpheus, the torchbearer, embodies the burden of confronting history and human suffering, a stern judge moved by reluctant compassion.
Amos mirrors Orpheus’ journey, escaping destruction in search of an untainted origin—echoing the Childhood of Man longed for in literature. The forest marks his rite of passage, a desperate quest on behalf of us all.
But what does he find? Only ruin. Or maybe just a warning. Perhaps there’s still time to change course, to rescue the frightened child hiding from the world.

Itay, 2018
Music Video, Experimental
2K | 5 min 02 sec | B&W
Language: English | Italian

Written and Directed by Massimiliano Cosi
Music by: Organic
Starring: Ezio Schiavulli, Palmiriana Sibilia, Nicola Difino, Antonia Mastrodonato, Amos Mastrogiacomo, Lucia Lobifaro
Executive production: Bloodynose
DoP: Massimiliano Cosi
1st AC: Giuseppe Moliterno
Focus Puller: Salvatore Graziani
Editing & Grading: Massimiliano Cosi
Label: FdS Records
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